The Preciousness of Missions Work
If there was one corny, over-simplified, yet amazingly poignant hashtag to describe last week's happenings in the Baltimore-DC area, it would be that one word. Because sometimes, it's moments that God uses to centralize our thinking, planning, and doing from the flurry of life to answer the why of our life's purpose and mission. These capsules of past time and memory can be needed and refreshing reminders from our Heavenly Father who knows exactly what we need and when to minister to us.
Last week, I held a weeklong kids club at an apartment complex in Glenn Dale with Glenn Dale Baptist Church. The only thing we were missing for the majority of the week was kids. Many were inside playing on their stationery gaming systems. But at the beginning and middle of the week, God brought to us an extended family who stayed with us during the duration of the club on Monday and Thursday. They and their kids were very happy the club was in their neighborhood. One of the young boys even recounted to me a song that his mom had taught him about prayer, a song that came from one of the sweetest voices you'd be blessed to hear.
Then Friday came. A young girl and her great-grandmother joined us. After club, the five-year old was able to relay to me the entire story I had just shared from the sketchboard message of how Adam and Eve sinned against God. The grandmother explained they hadn't been able to make it to her church when she was a member because of her transportation situation. Pastor Roger, who was faithfully volunteering along with his wife Jenny, told the elderly woman that she and her grandchild were welcome to come to their church. Also, she said her great-granddaughter had asked her about going to church, out of the blue, just a few days earlier. Great-grandma noted that this was more than coincidence.
Late Saturday morning, I arrived at United Baptist Church in the Riverdale/New Carrollton area to participate in their annual end-of-summer FunFest outreach held in their parking lot. Many families passed through and benefited from the clothes and household items given by the generous folks at UBC. Near the end of the day, Pastor Everett Pope wanted me to do a gospel presentation. As he gathered folks around to listen to the sketchboard message, however, I started to get nervous. The crowd's anticipation was building, but so was my fear! Thank the Lord, I managed to get through the presentation. Pastor Pope then gave an open invitation to those listening to repent of their sins at that moment. Regretfully, a part of me expected no one to come forward, as I had experienced many times before when witnessing invitations/altar calls. But another part of me wanted to believe that God could and even would move on someone's heart that day. God gave me the grace to choose the latter. I looked up, and a young man emerged from the back of the crowd and walked toward Pastor Pope. He wanted the Gospel to change his life. He was ready.
I had noticed this young man earlier in the day when he stopped by to watch another message I had sketched up previously ("Solve This Riddle"). He listened as I explained the message to him and his friends, but he appeared quiet, if not a bit sad. After the meeting broke up and grilled food and cold drinks handed out, kids and teens bantered and played with the balls and danced to the music. I caught a glimpse of the young man who had just received salvation as he played along with the others. And I saw someone totally different than I had just a few hours ago. His eyes were bright with the hope of eternal life.
God gives every believer the chance to share the Gospel throughout their lives, if not daily. He gives believers the opportunity to bless others and leave the fragrance of his grace wherever they may be. So the only question left is, what will your #moment be?